First :
Read and understand the general terms and conditions below;
submitting material constitutes full agreement with them.
Next :
Read over the appropriate form (links below) to understand what’s expected.
Forms differ slightly for individual artists, for schools, and for galleries/businesses/co-ops/artist groups.
Finally :
Copy and paste the appropriate form into an email message with your digital photos.
Email it to: PublicRadioArtSpace(at)Gmail(dot com)
Of course substituting @ for (at) and .com for (dot com) above (web-publishing complete email addresses attracts spam-bots).
General terms and conditions.
1) At this time, exhibits are possible only at the facility in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
2) There are no application fees or exhibit fees; being a member or an underwriter does not assure or exclude participation in exhibits.
3) The artspace is an unofficial side-activity “at” (not “of”) the venue; artspace-related decisions and actions including but not limited to artwork judging and scheduling do not reflect the staff, the station, the host-university, the state, or any other entity.
4) The artspace is present as a public service of the venue; there is no obligation for the venue to exhibit anything.
5) The artspace’s focus is original artwork by adult artists; exhibits by students or by co-ops or schools are limited and are likely to be grouped if approved.
6) Exhibit is at one’s “own risk”; venue assumes no responsibility (financial or otherwise) for expenses of transport, or display, or for loss or damage or theft or any other reason.
7) The venue may (but is not required to) provide an opening reception at no expense to the artist/s; artist-travel expenses are not the venue’s responsibility.
8) Video, graffiti, wall-marking installations, and performance projects are not currently eligible.
9) Schoolgroups, elected officials, and community volunteers are among those visiting the venue; artwork subject matter must be appropriate for public display in an office setting --nudity, hate speech, and other potentially-problematic subject matter is likely to be rejected.
10) Unless otherwise pre-arranged , the venue not the artist/s will hang the exhibit; however, installation projects if approved are opposite: unless pre-arranged otherwise, installations will be installed by artist/s not by the venue.
11) The primary artspace-related venue-contact should be by email: PublicRadioArtSpace(at)Gmail(dot com).
12) Additional terms/conditions/notes will be listed on the application form.
13) Applying to exhibit constitutes agreement in full with all terms/conditions/notes.
If understood and agreed, proceed to your appropriate form: