Visitor info & call to artists for the ArtSpace at WMRA, Harrisonburg, Va.


Form for SCHOOLS

Copy and paste the form into an email message with your digital photos.
Email it to: PublicRadioArtSpace(at)Gmail(dot com)

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Public Radio ArtSpace application form for SCHOOLS.
(Not the right form? Try Individuals or Galleries/Businesses/Co-Ops/Artist Groups.)

School Name:__

School Website/s:__

Art Teacher/s Name/s (and/or Person Selecting the Projects to Exhibit): __

Exhibit Contact Person Name: __

Exhibit Contact Person Email/s:__

Exhibit Contact Person Phone/s:__

Exhibit Contact Person Mail Address:__

Age or Grade Range of Students: __

Notes on student projects
A) The maximum number of pieces to be shown by one school at one time is 30 (fewer is fine).
B) Student projects will not be name-labeled individually (it is expected that most projects would already be clearly signed on the front); if name-recognition is desired, please email at least two days before the exhibit a one-page list of names and grades/ages which the venue may photocopy and leave in a stack for visitors.
C) All projects on paper intended for exhibit must arrive framed (affordable frames are available at Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, Big Lots, and elsewhere) and ready to nail-hang (simply gluing projects to paper is not acceptable).
D) Canvases and certain wall-pieces may be shown unframed if securely wired to nail-hang.
E) All three-dimensional pieces, (unless large, self-supporting, and stable) must be provided with sufficient stable display stands.
F) Photos submitted and/or taken on-site may be used for publicity and/or archive use by the venue.
G) Venue expects all items to remain on-site for the duration of the exhibit; contact the venue ahead of time to coordinate any temporary removal for portfolio reviews, etc ---a suitable replacement of similar size must be provided.
H) Subject matter must be appropriate for public display in an office setting; venue reserves the right to remove any or all items from exhibit at any time.
I) Exhibit is at one’s “own risk”; venue assumes no responsibility (financial or otherwise) for expenses of transport, of display, or for loss or damage or theft or any other reason.
J) Projects shall be delivered with minimal unpacking by venue necessary; items should arrive unwrapped and unboxed or should be unwrapped by the delivery person upon arrival and stacked safely in the front lobby staging area; items left in boxes etc should be only minimally-wrapped; wrappers/boxes should be removed by the delivery person or shall be stored on-site until the exhibit’s end.
K) At exhibit’s end, the venue shall stack but not wrap/box projects in the front lobby staging area.
L) Venue may (but is not obligated to) advertise the exhibit on-air and elsewhere at no charge to the exhibitors.
M) Venue reserves the right to group this proposed exhibit with others to exhibit concurrently.
N) There are no application fees or entry fees; being a member or underwriter has no bearing on artwork judging; expenses of exhibitor travel and of art-project transport are the exhibitor’s responsibility.
O) At this time, exhibits are possible only at the facility in Harrisonburg, Virginia.
P) Your primary venue-contact should be by email: PublicRadioArtSpace(at)Gmail(dot com).

Do you yourself and as representative of the students understand and agree to notes A through P above? __

Rough estimate of feet of wall space the artwork you hope to exhibit could fill (in feet please, not inches): __

(Optional) Notes (anything the venue ought to know) : __

Attach to this email at least ten relevant sample jpg photos. Attach as many additional photos as you feel you need to convey your intent. Size, dpi, etc are up to you.

When complete, email your submission to: PublicRadioArtSpace(at)Gmail(dot com).
Judging may take weeks; scheduling may take additional time. If not selected, feel free to reapply later.

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End of form.